FAQ: WhiteList IRC-Community Emails [Gmail]

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Some email providers such as hotmail, gmail, yahoo etc have very strict spam controls on their email services. As such at times our emails do not get through to a users inbox. To prevent this from happening follow the steps to whitelist irc-community.com with your provider.


Login to your Gmail account.

In the upper right corner of the screen click on the gear icon which represents your settings:

In the drop down menu, click on the “See all settings” button:

On the Settings screen, click on the “Filters and Blocked Addresses” tab:

Next, click on “Create a new filter”. A dialog will appear which looks like this:

In the “From” box, type the domain or email address which you would like to whitelist. In our example above we have used “irc-community.com”.

Next, click “create filter with this search”. Another dialog will appear which looks like this:

Check the box “Never send it to Spam”. This will ensure that you always receive email from this domain. You may also want to check “Always mark it as important”.

Click the “Create filter” button. You will receive a confirmation screen showing that “Your filter was created.” and you will be able to see the filter like this: