FAQ: What are the chatroom commands?

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Webchat supports the following commands. They must be prefaced with a /

You can view a menu of these options by typing /? in your chat window.

/FixScroll: auto scrolls to the bottom of chat.

/StopAutoScrolling: stops auto scrolling.

/StartAutoScrolling: starts autoscrolling.

/Connect: connects back to the room if disconnected.

/Disconnect: disconnects from the room.

/Hop: disconnects and reconnects to the room.

/Clear: clears all text from room window.

/Away : sets your status as away with optional message.

/Unaway: sets your status to active.

/ShowGuestpassStored: n/a

/SaveGuestpass: n/a

/Kick : kicks highlighted nick from the room w/ optional message. ( must be channel host/owner )

/Ban15m : bans highlighted nick from the room for 15 minutes w/ optional message. ( must be channel host/owner )

/Ban1h : bans highlighted nick from the room for 1 hour w/ optional message. ( must be channel host/owner )

/Ban24h : bans highlighted nick from the room for 24 hours w/ optional message. ( must be channel host/owner )

/Guestban: bans all guests from the room. ( must be channel host/owner )

/Guestunban: unbans guests from the room. ( must be channel host/owner )

/Guestmircban: bans mirc guests from the room. ( must be channel host/owner )

/Guestmircunban: unbans mirc guests from the room. ( must be channel host/owner )

/INVITE : invites nickname to the room you are in, if they are on the network.

/CH.BROADCAST : broadcast message to the entire room. ( must be channel host/owner )

/TOPIC : set the room topic. ( must be channel host/owner )

/WELCOME : set the room welcome message. ( must be channel host/owner )

+/-PROTECTIONMODE: provides room join flood protection. ( must be channel host/owner )

+/-LogRawsToBC: logs raw information to the web console. ( for debugging purposes )